I have vast experience with Laravel, including Inertia, Livewire, Nova, and Filament.
I love building Vue Apps! And using Pinia, VueUse and Vitetest.
Nuxt is my favorite framework for creating SPA, SSR and SSG applications.
I have been using Tailwind since the alpha days! It is my favorite CSS framework.
Auto-deploy is one of the great features of Netlify and Vercel. Whenever you push to main... done! Your site builds automatically. I love that, but I prefer to manage my own server.
At Tighten, I've had the chance to work with Typesense on client projects, and it quickly became my go-to for building fast, powerful search features.
I think Filament is a fantastic tool for creating admin panels quickly. It's the go-to admin panel that many devs at Tighten recommend to clients, including me! I had the opportunity to write about it on the company's blog.
Web server permissions: setting them right can be challenging, but setting them wrong can be disastrous. Of course, we don't want to grant a third party access to private files and folders or allow the execution of malicious code.
I am proud to have worked with:
Fullstack Senior Software Developer
Laravel Partner Agency
Lead Software Engineer
Official Vue Tranining Platform
Front-End Lead Software Developer
Email Marketing Service
Fullstack Web Developer
Web Development Agency
Fullstack Web Developer
Cloud Hosting