Auto-deploy is one of the great features of Netlify and Vercel. Whenever you push to main... done! Your site builds automatically. I love that, but I prefer to manage my own server.
At Tighten, I've had the chance to work with Typesense on client projects, and it quickly became my go-to for building fast, powerful search features.
I think Filament is a fantastic tool for creating admin panels quickly. It's the go-to admin panel that many devs at Tighten recommend to clients, including me! I had the opportunity to write about it on the company's blog.
Web server permissions: setting them right can be challenging, but setting them wrong can be disastrous. Of course, we don't want to grant a third party access to private files and folders or allow the execution of malicious code.
There are many ways to build a search feature for your Laravel application, from classic LIKE queries in SQL to MySQL Full-Text Indexes. While those approaches work, they come with limitations.
Today, we’ll explore how to automatically generate dynamic OG images for your pages and articles: a cool background, the page title on top, and... profit! The example uses Jigsaw, but applies to any PHP project.
A developer from Montana looked at the front-end wild west (full of frameworks, libraries, bundlers, runtimes, and more) and had an idea: "What if we go back to basics? What if we just use HTML... with extra powers?"
Zod is amazing! You can use it to define the schema of any object and validate it. Form data? No problem. Nested arrays and objects? We've got you covered. Custom data types? Yeah!
I love it when bots make our lives easier. In this case, it’s not a robot but a friendly doggo. Husky listens for Git hooks, such as pre-commit or pre-push, and performs the tasks you define (like linting, formatting, or running tests) before proceeding.
How do you share state between multiple components in a Vue app? While Vue 3 reactivity is powerful and composables can get you far, your app might benefit from Pinia, the official state management solution for Vue applications.
I love Nuxt! I choose it whenever I need to create a Vue application, from small SPAs to large websites with SSR and SEO optimizations. The Nuxt ecosystem offers so many time-saving, plug-and-play modules that it's hard to pass up.